We caught the Polish poster bug when Kate was living in Krakow and Sam & Gina (Mum & Dad) came to visit for a week. Mum, who always has her finger on the next best item to collect, had announced that she wanted to buy a vintage Russian poster and that maybe one had ended up here, in Krakow by mistake. After meandering around the old city for a day, we spotted a sign and an arrow to a “sklep antyky.” As second and third generation descendants of Polish immigrants to Australia, none of our Polish was that crash hot, but it was good enough to recognize an antiques store when we saw one, and we clambered up some old stairs inside the entrance to an even older building. After our first disappointment of discovering that we had found an old book and map antique store, we wandered around for a while and turned to leave. As Dad and I were almost out the door, Mum spotted, out of the corner of her eye, a poster rack, and began flipping through it. Better than any Russian vintage poster, Mum had found a Witold Gorska classic, with fantastic pinks and bright colours – we just had to have it. This poster turned out to be the first of many that we would go on to collect with much obsession and our collection has allowed us to strengthen and develop our connection with a country our parents/grandparents fled so many years ago.
After 5 years since our first purchase, we are now thrilled to offer you the chance to “catch the bug” and take home your very own original Polish poster.